
12 Produkte

    Crystal singing pyramid, Merkaba. clear quartz pyramid. It is made from 99.9% quartz crystal and is shaped like a pyramid. Unique appearance, every piece we sell is high quality.
    By gently striking the pyramid, the pyramid begins to vibrate, creating a sustained and resonant sound. Help enter a meditative state more quickly and to facilitate the release of stuck or blocked energy.
    12 Produkte
    Regenbogenfarbene Kristall-Singpyramide, 10,2–30,5 cm, Quarz-Chakra-Meditation, Klangheilungsinstrument
    Von $75.90
    Lila Kristallpyramide Klangheilungsquarz Singende Dreieckschakra-Meditation
    Von $89.90 Normaler Preis $140.00 Sparen $50.10
    Crystal Singing Pyramid Set 3"-14" Quartz Triangle Sound Healing Chakra Instrument
    Von $459.00
    Rosa singende Pyramide, Quarzkristall, Dreieck, Klangtherapie, Chakra-Meditation
    Von $89.90 Normaler Preis $140.00 Sparen $50.10
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